How to Winterize Your Home in New Jersey

As the colder months are fast approaching, it is time to winterize your Newark, NJ home. There are a handful of different tips you need to perform, each of which will improve energy efficiency throughout the year, cut down on drafts and also help avoid those nasty winter colds.

HVAC Inspection

This should be performed annually. An HVAC inspection will clean out your vents, correct minor issues and make sure the furnace/boiler or other heating unit is functioning properly. This not only improves energy efficiency but it will improve air quality as well. This is also a good time to change out your furnace filter.

Check Windows and Doors

More air is lost around winders and doors than anywhere else in the home. It is also an area you can easily correct yourself. Check the weather stripping around all access points. If anything is cracked or missing, make sure to replace it. Also, fill in cracks around the frames to prevent air from escaping your warm home.

Insulate Your Pipes

Living in Newark, NJ, you probably have heard stories from friends or family members who have had burst pipes. Insulating pipes not only can help prevent this from happening but it also improves hot water transfers which in turn reduces your energy bills.

Storm Doors and Windows

Storm doors and windows can be easily installed around the house. These doors and windows act as a secondary barrier at protecting your home from leaking warm air. You’ll see an instantly lower energy bill after you go about installing these around the house. Plus, storm windows look much better installed than using the plastic wrap option. While plastic wrap is good if you’re in a pinch and only have a few dollars to spend, storm windows will last and provide improved insulation.