Why You Should Review Your Home Insurance Annually

It’s easy to purchase home insurance and forget it. After getting the coverage, it’s done, right? Wrong. The insurance industry is a dynamic industry. Changes can take place at any given moment. As a result of that, you should seriously consider analyzing your home insurance policy at least once a year.

Industry Changes Can Trigger Policy Changes

The insurance industry is one of the largest industries in the United States. As such, they can effect laws governing insurance regulations within Newark, NJ. Since laws affecting your policy can become effective during your policy, the sooner you are aware of the change, the better off you will be. For instance, if you don’t get an annual review, it’s possible for you to remain uninformed about changes concerning what is covered in your policy. Or worst, after experiencing a loss, you find out it’s not covered by your policy.

Reviews Can Uncover Savings or Additional Features

One of the main reasons you should consider getting an annual review of your home insurance policy is to save money. The insurance industry is highly competitive. Increased competition drives prices down. By getting an annual review, you may find that you are eligible to receive a discount. Additionally, you may find that your insurance company is rewarding your loyalty by giving you extra features for the same rate.

Cover Your Home Thoroughly

As a homeowner, you make improvements on your home throughout the year. You may add more room onto your garage or an additional bedroom. Without informing your insurance company, they wouldn’t know you improved your home. Your annual review is a great time to ensure that all the upgrades you made to your home are covered by your home insurance.

At E.S.T.I.R. Inc. we encourage our customers to schedule an annual review. Our licensed insurance agents are more than happy to review your policy to ensure you have the home insurance you need in the event of a loss. Give us a call today to schedule your annual review.

Newark Goes Green: Tips to Recycle Home Items

Recycling is something we all know we should do, but it’s clear that not every American practices good habits. To avoid this fate, it helps to be aware of common household items you can recycle around the house. Start rethinking the following items today to have less negative impact on the environment. 

Paper In Every Form 

Cereal boxes and junk mail all count, so before you absentmindedly stick another piece of packaging into the trash remind yourself that it doesn’t go there. Paper plates and paper cups also need to be in the recycling bins after you throw a party. People may toss these things plus other common paper products like books or shredded documents because it’s easier to do than find a recycling facility, but you need to make the effort to get these items to the right place. 

Electronics: DVDs, Batteries and Computers 

None of these things belong in the trash. Beyond being a wasteful act, they actually contain ingredients that may contaminate the water or the ground. Few areas don’t have a recycling center for these items, although it’s generally not in the same location as the people who take soda bottles and cardboard. 

Miscellaneous Items

Get creative here! Paper towel rolls may keep the different wires for your TV from getting all tangled. Reuse take-out plastic containers instead of buying new ones. Make a watering container out of an old milk jug, and use your ratty clothes as rags if you can’t find a place to recycle them. Take your nicer clothes to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. 

E.S.T.I.R. Inc. provides homeowners insurance to the people of Newark, NJ and we want you to call us if you’re rethinking your current policy. We can get you a quote today!


The Benefits of Insuring Your Home In Newark, New Jersey

It’s critical to have homeowner’s insurance wherever you live, but especially in Newark, New Jersey, the biggest city in the Garden State. There are a number of different reasons for this and some of the most important ones are listed below so you can be sure you set up the right home insurance policy in Brick City.


One of the most important things homeowner’s insurance does is protect your home against unexpected disasters, like a fire that breaks out and burns part of the house down, or a broken pipe that leads to flooding and mold within the house itself, or a blizzard that causes a roof to collapse. These types of disasters can really cost you if you don’t have homeowner’s insurance and lead to economic problems that most people would have trouble fully recovering from.


Homeowner’s insurance policies also cover people in the home as well, namely those who are living in your home if they happen to hurt themselves. These liability aspects to homeowner policies will keep homeowners from being sued when people hurt themselves in the home and also pay for their medical expenses in case an accident happens while they are visiting or even living there.


Owning a home is a lot to worry about in general for most people and anyone who is a homeowner also knows the money and worry they put into their house on a regular basis. So just having the piece of mind that your home will be protected from just about anything by a good homeowner insurance policy is worth it. Make sure you have the right one through a company like E.S.T.I.R. Inc. who serves the greater Newark, New Jersey area.

How Well Do You Know Your Home Insurance Policy? Tips to Consider in Manassas

While most people know they need home insurance, they may not know about just how many variations are available within the policies. The contracts and terms can be adjusted to fit your property, and they can be updated when you need to drop or add coverage. Consider these facts, so you know whether or not you need to change your home insurance. 

Mold, Belongings and Floods 

Many people might call on their home insurance policy if they experience common problems like water damage from flood or a mold infestation in the structure of their home, but they may be surprised to find out that they’ll have to shoulder the costs of this on their own. Also, your belongings very well may not be protected either. Replacing your things after a theft or natural disaster can be astronomical, and the emotional burden of having lost your possessions makes it far harder to do. Repairs can also run you into the thousands, which can be impossible for the average homeowner. 

Customizing Your Home Insurance Policy 

If you buy an expensive piece of jewelry or art piece, then you likely don’t think to update their insurance policy. However, even if your possessions are covered, there’s generally a cap at how much the insurance company will pay for. The beauty of insurance is that you have the ability to change your policy if you need to. Look for a company who you can count on when you have questions. 

E.S.T.I.R. Inc. serves the people of Manassas, and can help you find a policy that works for you. We’re happy to give you the facts of insurance and then let you make the final call. Contact us if you need a quote!. 

House Sitting Is More Than Watching Their TV

So the neighbors asked you to watch their house while they are off vacationing in the Bahamas. Outside of being especially jealous of their travel plans, you begin to wonder what exactly you should do inside their home. After all, they have that nice cable package with the premium channels you decided not to spring for. Sure, indulge in some TV watching, but house sitting is so much more than just watching the television. As E.S.T.I.R. Inc. points out, there are plenty of chores you need to stay on top of. 

Freezing Pipes

In Newark, NJ freezing pipes during the winter can be a problem. When you leave the house, make sure the heat is down around the 50 degree mark. This helps prevent the pipes from freezing, which is one of the most important jobs you have while house sitting. 

Flush the Toilet

Depending on how old the house is, you might need to work the gaskets in the toilet from time to time. Older homes can have leaks, flooding or backups. Flushing the toilet every day or so keeps everything flowing properly. 

Bring in the Mail

House sitting is all about making the house look as if it is lived in. A dead giveaway is when the mail starts to collect. So, bring in the mail and the newspaper daily. A buildup of this is a sign to others the home owners are out. Even if you don’t go inside on a give day at least pick up the paper. 

Lights On and Off

Turn on different lights. Again, house sitting isn’t just keeping the house functioning but making sure other people believe someone is living inside. Changing the lights on and off throughout the time you watch the house gives off this impression. 

Ensure You Don’t Get Tricked into an Insurance Claim This Halloween

This Halloween, kids throughout Newark, NJ will be coming up to homeowners and saying “trick-or-treat.” The holiday tradition of going house-to-house dressed up is a treat for homeowners, as they get to see the many varied costumes, as well as for kids who get candy. If you’re a homeowner, make sure Halloween is a treat for you, and you don’t get tricked into a home insurance claim.

Halloween Accidents Lead to Home Insurance Claims

Anytime there’s an accident at your home, you might have to file a claim against your home insurance policy. The risk of an accident occurring increases on Halloween as kids will be coming up to your front door in the dark, and candles may be used in decorations. To reduce the likelihood of an accident occurring on October 31, you can:

  • keep your front yard clear to reduce falls
  • avoid decorating with many candles to reduce the likelihood of a fire
  • secure any expensive outdoor decorations you have to reduce the possibility of theft

Check Your Home Insurance Coverage

Additionally, you ought to review your home insurance coverage before kids come trick-or-treating. Specifically, look at your home insurance policy’s:

  • liability coverage, which may cover injuries from falls
  • fire protection, which might cover house fires
  • personal property coverage, which might cover theft

If you’re uncomfortable reviewing these coverages on your own, contact us at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. We have knowledgeable insurance agents who can explain and review these different coverages with you. To reach them, simply send us a message online or call our office. We look forward to hearing from you, and hope you have a safe and fun Halloween.

Keep Your Home Cleaner With These Tips

Keeping your home clean in New Jersey should be one of your top tasks. It is likely that you are not thrilled about cleaning simply because it takes so much time. There are a lot of cleaning tips that will keep your home cleaner, and you won’t have to work as hard as you may have thought! 

Creative hacks have been found in order to help you clean your home faster, and you don’t have to invest in a lot of expensive cleaning supplies. For example, if you want to clean your blinds, a one-to-one mixture of water and vinegar can be created and you can wipe all of the blinds down with an old sock. You can also create a paste using hot water and powdered laundry detergent to clean stainless steel fixtures and appliances.

Spending a little money on organizational tools can go a long way. You will find that it is easier to keep your home clean from day to day and week to week when you have basic organization going on throughout every room.

Preventative maintenance can be done so that it is easier to clean certain areas of the house. This includes using shower gel within the shower to keep the grout looking clean and using car wax on a flat surface stove to ensure that grease cannot get caked on.

If you are worried about odors within a particular room, you can attach a dryer sheet to the vent to help air out the area.

As you put these different tips into motion, it’s easier to keep your home clean, and you will actually have more time to do the other things that you want to do throughout your home in Newark.

Call us at ESTIR Insurance today so we can help you find affordable quotes, answer questions, and more.


Grill Your Heart Out With These Safety Tips

Any time that you grill in Newark, NJ, you want to follow safety tips. It doesn’t matter what you are grilling, there are some important ways to focus on safety so that your home is not damaged in any way.

Every year people experience damage to their homes because of barbecuing. They cook too close to the house or they don’t follow some of the basic safety precautions. They always assume that it is going to happen to them. Many grilling incidents are not covered by insurance, therefore you need to be aware of how to maintain safety at all times.


Wherever you set up the grill, you want to do so away from the house. You also want to avoid setting up in any kind of enclosure; this will ensure that the heat and flames have a place to go.


Cleaning your grill is an important task. This includes getting rid of the grease that builds up in the grease trap as well as various food particles that remain on the grates. It’s a good idea to invest in a wire brush to help with the cleaning process. This needs to be done on a regular basis so that you don’t experience flare-ups from burning the food.


Any time that you are cooking on the grill, you need to be out there attending the flames. It is also a good idea to have a fire extinguisher in the general area in case a flame gets out of control.

As long as you are safe about grilling, you can grill your heart out all year long. This way, you can have peace of mind around your home, too.

Call and talk to one of our agents at ESTIR Insurance. We can help you find an affordable homeowner’s quote and much more.



The Daily Threat of a Personal Injury Claim

Harrison, New Jersey and the 07029 zip code have, and continue to go through some major changes. The relatively recent addition of Red Bull Stadium and the Harrison Waterfront Improvement Plan hold promise for the future. For those of us who live and work in the region, it is an interesting time of transition as the area moves away from its industrial roots. Change is inevitable they say.

One thing that hasn’t changed is protecting what you have worked hard in life to earn. For those who own a house in the area, it means making sure you have proper homeowners insurance. While homeowners insurance can protect you from theft, fire, weather and other calamities, it can also protect you from the daily threat of a personal injury claim.

A personal injury claim can arise from almost anywhere, at any time. It can be the result of an uneven path to your front door, a loose piece of carpeting on the stairs, or an unseen hole in your yard. The claims can come from neighbors, relatives, or the guy you hire to mow your yard or shovel your snow. Many times homeowners never see these claims coming. That’s why liability coverage is such a critical component of a homeowners policy.

If you are unsure about your homeowners insurance and the protection it provides, contact us. We will be happy to provide a free insurance review. You will at least have better peace of mind knowing what you do and do not have coverage for. If you choose, you can get a comparative homeowners or auto insurance quote right online. Try it for yourself.

Contact us today. We are an independent insurance agency proud to serve the Harrison area. We would be pleased to serve you.

Sinking Porch: Does Your Homeowners Insurance Have You Covered?

Whether you reside near Branch Brook Park or out near Forest Hill, keeping your Newark, New Jersey home in good shape is on the top of the priority list for any homeowner. So when you notice your foundation is cracking and you have a sinking porch on your hands, what are your options? It all depends on what level of homeowners insurance coverage you’ve invested in.

Put Your Trust in Quality Coverage

When you’ve invested as much time and money into something like your home, it only makes sense to protect that investment in the best way possible. Quality homeowners insurance can help make sure that all of your efforts will be honored in the best way possible.

Shopping for insurance can be a bit of a chore but at E.S.T.I.R. Insurance we want to make the process as easy as possible. We can help connect you with top national insurance providers to find a policy that fits both your needs and your budget. Insurance laws vary by state but with our local independent agents by your side, you can rest assured that you’ll have a policy that is up to New Jersey standards.

Get Your Quote Today

Don’t let repairs for a bad foundation or sinking porch break the bank. With E.S.T.I.R Insurance, you can find comprehensive and affordable insurance coverage online in just minutes. We make shopping for and comparing quotes easier than ever before with our speedy online quoting system.

Don’t get caught without the right level of coverage when you need it most. Our online quoting system makes keeping your Newark home safe and protected simple and easy. Visit us online today to get your quote and give your family the gift of peace of mind for many years to come.