Why You Need Home Insurance When You Take Out a Mortgage

Owning a home is a dream come true for many people. However, home ownership comes with a slew of responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is obtaining a home insurance plan if you take out a mortgage. We will delve into why that’s necessary. If you’re searching for an insurance agent serving Bloomfield, NJ, and other nearby communities, consider contacting E.S.T.I.R. Inc.

Why Lenders Require Home Insurance

Mortgages are asset-backed loans, which means that an asset is utilized as collateral to secure the loan. In the context of a mortgage, the home purchased with the loan is often used as collateral. Consequently, if homeowners default on their mortgage payments, the bank can seize and sell the home to recoup the money they’re owed.

While the bank doesn’t own the mortgaged home, it has a financial interest. All other factors being equal, the more valuable the property, the lower the bank’s risks. If a house is damaged, perhaps by a storm, its value decreases. This implies that the bank’s risks would be amplified if everything else remains constant. Banks typically mandate that homes bought with a mortgage have home insurance to minimize risks.

In addition, if a home is severely damaged or destroyed and its worth diminishes substantially below the mortgage, the homeowner may cease making payments. This would leave the bank accountable for the mortgage, and when they sell the property, they may not recover the full amount lent. In essence, mortgages and home insurance make lending less risky and thus less expensive for borrowers.

If you need assistance with home insurance policies in Bloomfield, NJ, or other communities, consider contacting E.S.T.I.R. Inc.

Mortgage Requirements and Home Insurance

Understanding mortgage requirements and the role of home insurance is crucial when purchasing a home around Bloomfield, NJ. This will help homeowners protect their investments and comply with lender mandates. Lenders want to know they have their investments covered if the home is destroyed or damaged. They will sell for value if the homeowner defaults. 

Mortgage Requirements

Most lenders require homebuyers to obtain homeowners insurance as a condition for granting a mortgage. This insurance protects the lender and homeowner by protecting the property against damage or loss. Lenders typically require coverage that equals or exceeds the mortgage loan amount.

Home Insurance Coverage

Home insurance policies cover various perils, including fire, break-ins, vandalism, and weather-related disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes, depending on the policy’s terms. Liability coverage protects homeowners from legal expenses should someone get injured on their property.

Importance of Home Insurance

Home insurance is essential for safeguarding homeowners’ financial well-being. In the event of a disaster or unforeseen circumstance, insurance coverage can help homeowners repair or rebuild their homes and replace personal belongings, mitigating the financial impact of such events.

Factors Affecting Insurance Costs

Several factors influence home insurance premiums, including the property’s location, age, construction materials, and the homeowner’s credit score. Homes in areas known for natural disasters or with higher crime rates may have higher insurance premiums.

Deductibles and Coverage Limits

Homeowners should carefully consider their insurance deductibles and coverage limits. A higher deductible typically results in lower premiums but requires homeowners to pay more out-of-pocket costs. Conversely, higher coverage limits provide excellent protection but may lead to higher premiums.  

Let E.S.T.I.R. Inc. Give You Information

E.S.T.I.R. Inc. helps answer your home insurance questions and takes care of the Bloomfield, NJ, region. Call us today to get the most updated information. 

Is Your Home Insurance Up to Date?

The Need for Regular Home Insurance Reviews

If you’ve lived in your home for a considerable period and held the same home insurance policy, it’s likely that your coverage requirements may have changed. It’s crucial to review your policy at least annually with a reliable agent and update it if there are significant modifications to your home or property. For residents of the Bloomfield, NJ area, E.S.T.I.R Inc. is here to facilitate any updates to your home insurance to suit your current needs.

Importance of Updated Home Insurance Policies

An up-to-date insurance policy is critical for two reasons. Firstly, it assures you of the necessary protection when making a claim. If your home sustains damage, the coverage can facilitate repair costs enabling you to move on with life. Understanding the specifics of your policy allows you to evaluate if changes are required for comprehensive protection.

Secondly, the appropriate policy brings peace of mind. The knowledge that you’re well protected and have access to trusted agents when needed is critical for stress-free living. While insurance can’t prevent instances of mishaps, it can mitigate the after-effects, especially financially, by securing what’s important to you.

Choose E.S.T.I.R Inc. for Your Home Insurance Needs

If you’re in the Bloomfield, NJ, area and need to review your home insurance policy, reach out to us at E.S.T.I.R Inc. Our agents will diligently examine your current policy, propose any necessary changes, and help you make informed decisions for enhanced coverage. Whether you opt for changes or prefer exploring other policy options, we are here to offer expert guidance and help you feel confident about your insurance choices.

What is usually not covered by home insurance?

Home insurance is a critical element of home ownership. It covers so many things by protecting you and your property. Unfortunately, standard home insurance does not cover everything. There is a list of exceptions to know about. Keep reading this blog post, and you will learn what is not covered by standard home insurance. 

Things that home insurance usually does not cover

1. Earthquakes and flood damage

Most insurance companies will not cover earthquakes, floods, sinkholes, or similar natural events. Good news: you can always purchase additional coverage that includes these unfortunate situations. 

2. Maintenance problems

Your main task is to take care of your home property, as standard home insurance does not cover maintenance issues. They are insect and termite damage, mold, rust, and bird damage. Also, if something is poorly made in the house, it will be excluded from the coverage. 

3. Other unfortunate situations

There are certain rare situations that your insurance will not cover. Typically, war and nuclear hazards are not included in a policy. If there are any expenses related to identity theft, they also won’t be covered. 

As you can see, standard home insurance does not cover everything. You have to pay for damage and loss out of pocket in certain situations. It does not mean that you should not carry home insurance. It is great protection against a lot of risks. Do you reside in Bloomfield, NJ, or any other nearby area in New Jersey? Want to know more about home insurance? Feel free to reach out to E.S.T.I.R. Inc. We know everything about insurance and are ready to answer all of your questions. 

Homeowners: Shore Up Your Peace of Mind with New Jersey Auto Insurance

Bloomfield, NJ, homeowners who have invested their heart and soul into meticulously placing every piece of furniture in "just" the right place in their homes understand the value of protecting their most prized possessions. 

If you’ve already protected your home and valuables from theft, vandalism, and accidents — have you also done the same to protect your auto investment?

Why New Jersey Auto Insurance Matters for Homeowners

Jersey drivers are legally required to have auto insurance to protect their vehicle and its passengers when taking a quick trip to the store, driving the carpool to work, or taking a family trip. 

Smart drivers talk to a trusted auto insurance agent about the advantages of bundling their home insurance policy with their auto insurance policies to get a discounted rate. 

Whether it is keeping cool while dealing with heavy traffic congestion, navigating toll roads, or driving through blinding snow in coastal storms, experienced insurance agents at E.S.T.I.R. understand New Jersey residents’ unique driving challenges. 

Our agents can help you choose an auto insurance policy to cover your vehicle for liability, comprehensive, collision, uninsured motorist coverage, and value-added protections that extend your policy. 

We offer a wide range of comprehensive insurance products to help people from New Jersey protect their homes, autos, and businesses.

Talk to a knowledgeable agent to learn about your coverage options. A licensed agent at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can review your driving and insurance history and offer options.

Don’t Leave Your Car Out in the Cold without Auto Insurance!

Winter is quickly approaching, so having your insurance ready before frigid temps take over is more important than ever. 

Contact a licensed insurance agent at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ, and get a free auto insurance quote today. 

How Home Insurance Protects You

As a homeowner, you need certain protections against the many risks that could come your way. Several situations and events could cause your home to become damaged. These risks need to be mitigated by having home insurance. These policies offer many different coverage types that are all included in one policy. Your mortgage lender will require you to have home insurance, and HOAs generally do as well. Call us at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ when you need home insurance.

Coverage for Your Home 

One way that this policy protects you is by getting dwelling protection. The house is covered against events that can happen to your home and cause damage or even destroy it. When you have home insurance, this can pay for the expensive repairs that you may need after such an event. It’s essential to have this coverage because of the high cost of home repairs. If the home is destroyed, the policy can pay for rebuilding the entire home. Imagine trying to do that without home insurance to pay for it all. 

Possession Protection

For even more protection, your possessions are also covered by your home insurance. When an event causes damage to your possessions, the policy can pay for their replacement or repairs. When put together, the items in your house add up to an enormous amount of value. It’s best to have that value insured by a home policy. 

Liability Coverage

It’s also essential to have your liability covered. In case of injuries on your property, your home insurance has this covered. It can pay for the person’s medical bills. 

Get Home Insurance in New Jersey

If you own a home, you need to have a home policy. Call us at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ. 

What Are the Key Types of Coverage of Home Insurance?

As a homeowner, you understand the necessity and importance of home insurance. It protects homes and homeowners’ personal belongings. This insurance aims to provide financial protection from various accidents and disasters. 

Typical home insurance includes the following coverages: 

  • Dwelling coverage. It provides the structure of a home, including the walls, floors, ceilings, and built-in appliances. It covers various perils, such as vandalism, fire, theft, and more. 
  • Personal liability. The purpose of this coverage is to cover costs if your visitor or guest sustains an injury on your property. It also provides property damage coverage. 
  • Contents coverage. It protects your personal belongings, including furniture and clothing. If a covered incident occurs and you file a claim, an insurance company will cover the value of these items.

However, it is essential to understand that standard home insurance does not cover everything and has limitations. Therefore, to ensure that you, your property, and your personal belongings are fully protected, it is also recommended to carry additional coverages. The most common optional coverages that you may want to consider include the following: 

  • Flood insurance. It protects your home and personal belongings from flood-related damage. Flood insurance is highly recommended if you live in an area prone to flooding. 
  • Earthquake insurance. It covers your home if an earthquake occurs and causes damage. It is a separate policy with its own deductible. 
  • Umbrella insurance. It provides additional coverage for property damage, bodily injury, and personal injury to others. Umbrella insurance kicks in when the liability limits on your home insurance have been exhausted. 

E.S.T.I.R. Inc. – Your Reliable and Trustworthy Insurance Company in New Jersey

Are you a homeowner from New Jersey and shopping for home insurance to protect your precious property and personal belongings? Do not hesitate to contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. – an insurance company serving clients in Bloomfield, NJ, specializing in different types of insurance, including home insurance. If you have any questions or want to discuss our insurance options, please feel free to call us. 

What You Need to Know About Homeowners Insurance Cancellation

If you own a home in Bloomfield, NJ, you know that having the proper homeowners insurance is essential. But what happens if your coverage is canceled? Is it possible for your policy to be canceled without warning? E.S.T.I.R. Inc. explains homeowners insurance cancellation and your options if it happens. 

When Can Homeowners Insurance Be Canceled? 

Homeowners’ insurance can be canceled for various reasons. Some of the most common are non-payment of premiums, filing too many claims within a short time, and making changes to the property that could increase the risk of damage or loss (such as installing a pool). Some insurance companies may cancel your policy for adopting certain breeds of pets. Another possibility is that the insurance company is going out of business. Sometimes, your insurer may cancel your policy for no specific reason—although this is rare. 

What Happens When Your Insurance Is Canceled? 

If your insurer decides to cancel your policy, they must provide you with written notice at least 30 days before the effective date of cancellation. The notice must include an explanation as to why the policy has been canceled. Depending on why your policy was canceled, you may have options such as switching insurers or negotiating a payment plan with your current company.  

Where Can I Get More Information About Homeowners Insurance Cancellation?   

E.S.T.I.R. Inc. provides comprehensive homeowners insurance coverageexplicitly tailoredy for Bloomfield, NJ residents. We can answer any questions about homeowners insurance cancellations and provide additional information about how best to protect yourself from unexpected cancellations or lapses in coverage. Contact us today for more information and details! 


When Should You Update Your Home Insurance?

It’s important to update your home insurance policy due to certain events. This ensures that you have the proper coverage. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ, we offer home insurance and other types of coverage. 


If you’ve just performed renovations or significant improvements on your home, you’ll need to update your homeowner’s policy. If your home is damaged or destroyed, the compensation you receive will be based on the value of your home. 

Renovations and other improvements increase the value of your home. Notifying your insurance company means you are covered for the current full value of your home.

Major Purchases 

Your homeowner’s policy also covers your possessions. However, some high-end items require a rider to provide adequate coverage. You should notify your insurance company if you just purchased a home theater system or expensive jewelry. 

Attractive Nuisances

A swimming pool is an excellent example of an attractive nuisance, but it’s not the only one. Other items, including playground equipment, treehouses, and trampolines, also fall into this category. 

 They can increase the value of your home. However, they can also affect your liability. Your premium may increase, and you may need to increase your liability coverage to protect your assets. 

Security System

You installed a security system because you want to keep your family safe. However, it’s also beneficial to your insurance company. It reduces the risk of property damage, fire, and other incidents that could trigger an insurance claim. For this reason, many insurance companies offer a discount on security features. 

Home Insurance with E.S.T.I.R. Inc.

If you need home insurance in Bloomfield, NJ, contact us at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. Our knowledgeable agents will discuss your coverage needs and help you select the best policy. 

Tips to Help Prevent Your Pipes From Freezing in the Winter Months

One of the most common reasons homeowners file home insurance claims in the winter months is because winter weather has caused a pipe to burst, and now they are left with a broken pipe and possible water damage. Here at E.S.T.I.R. Inc., serving the greater Bloomfield, NJ area, we want to help you avoid this issue. Here are a few ways to decrease the chances of your pipes freezing and bursting in cold winter weather. 

Insulate Your Pipes

One of the ways that you can decrease the chances of your pipes freezing and bursting is to insulate your pipes. Insulating pipes is fast and inexpensive, and it helps your pipes to stay a bit warmer. This can be the difference between your pipes freezing or not freezing. 

Leave Water Running On Cold Nights

Another tip that can help to minimize the chances of your pipes freezing and bursting on cold nights is to leave water slowly dripping in your faucets. This keeps water moving through the pipes instead of just sitting there, which can prevent water in the pipes from freezing. 

Winterize Your Pipes When You Go Away

Lastly, if you are going away for three or more nights and temperatures will be at or below freezing, call a professional to winterize your pipes or remove the water from them. This ensures your pipes do not freeze and burst while you are away and not using water. 

While there are steps you can take to decrease the chances of your pipes freezing during winter weather, you cannot prevent the problem entirely. This is why having the right home insurance policy is so vital. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc., serving the greater Bloomfield, NJ area, we can help you with your home insurance needs. Call or email us to get started.