Contractor Insurance – Coverage for Your Workforce

It is crucial to provide your workers with adequate protection during each construction project they participate in. Let’s review some contractor insurance coverage types that may benefit you and your workforce.

Contractor Equipment

The equipment you own as a contractor should be inspected and maintained regularly. Taking good care of the equipment will protect your workers while actively completing a construction project. Ladders, tools, heavy-duty machinery, and vehicles should be addressed during each inspection that you complete. Prepare plans to upgrade items as needed. Whenever you make a new purchase, update your existing contractor insurance policy.

Potential Injuries

Injuries can occur when you least expect them. It is important to have adequate liability coverage at all times. This type of protection will shield you from expensive lawsuits. Your insurance will cover your legal fees, alleviating you from any financial obligations that need to be handled independently. Consider the dangers that could lead to an injury. An assessment of each piece of property where work will be conducted should be scheduled before beginning each project you have contracted. Once you have completed an assessment, choose liability protection covering you and your workforce.

Fleet Responsibilities

Your fleet of vehicles may be used to transport workers and materials needed for contracting projects. Make sure that your fleet drivers are covered with the protection needed to perform their job duties safely. Insurance protection can also be acquired for the equipment that will be transported to different construction sites.

Find New Jersey Insurance Services

Contact an agent who serves Bloomfield, NJ to receive personalized insurance services. An agent from E.S.T.I.R. Inc. will consult with you first. They will ask you about your contracting duties. Then, they will recommend contractor insurance products that you may need.

A Tree Fell On My House. I’m Insured. Now What?

Trees pose a certain threat during storms or when weakened by disease, potentially falling and causing extensive damage to nearby homes. If you have faced property damages due to a falling tree, your insurance can provide support.

At E.S.T.I.R. Inc., serving Bloomfield, NJ, our team is ready to help. We can walk you through the claims process. Here’s what you need to understand.

Is Damage from a Tree Falling a Covered Event?

Most home insurance policies cover the damages caused by a falling tree. Your policy may also cater for debris removal from your yard as part of the home repair. However, the insurance policy rarely supports the removal of a tree that falls on your property if it doesn’t inflict any damage to your home.

How Can I Make a Claim On My Home Insurance Policy?

If your home suffered damages from a fallen tree, claiming your home insurance policy should be among your initial tasks. Before commencing the repair process, communicate with your agent at E.S.T.I.R. Inc., serving Bloomfield, NJ.

However, in any emergency situation that needs quick attention, like a fire, feel free to prioritize it over speaking with your insurance agent. Please note that if the repair process begins prior to contacting your insurance agent, your insurance company may deny your home repair request.

Do you have queries about repairing your home following tree damage? Don’t hesitate to call us. We’re here to assist.

A Tree Fell On My House. I’m Insured. Now What?

Trees pose a certain threat during storms or when weakened by disease, potentially falling and causing extensive damage to nearby homes. If you have faced property damages due to a falling tree, your insurance can provide support.

At E.S.T.I.R. Inc., serving Bloomfield, NJ, our team is ready to help. We can walk you through the claims process. Here’s what you need to understand.

Is Damage from a Tree Falling a Covered Event?

Most home insurance policies cover the damages caused by a falling tree. Your policy may also cater for debris removal from your yard as part of the home repair. However, the insurance policy rarely supports the removal of a tree that falls on your property if it doesn’t inflict any damage to your home.

How Can I Make a Claim On My Home Insurance Policy?

If your home suffered damages from a fallen tree, claiming your home insurance policy should be among your initial tasks. Before commencing the repair process, communicate with your agent at E.S.T.I.R. Inc., serving Bloomfield, NJ.

However, in any emergency situation that needs quick attention, like a fire, feel free to prioritize it over speaking with your insurance agent. Please note that if the repair process begins prior to contacting your insurance agent, your insurance company may deny your home repair request.

Do you have queries about repairing your home following tree damage? Don’t hesitate to call us. We’re here to assist.

Do I Need More Insurance for an Expensive Car?

So, you’ve finally bought that high-end car you’ve had your eye on. It stands out on the streets of Bloomfield, NJ due to its luxury and price tag. Now, how do you protect it? With your vehicle being more costly than most, it’s essential to consider beefing up your auto insurance. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc., we can guide you on fine-tuning your coverage for maximum protection.

The Increasing Costs of Repairs

Luxury vehicles come with a heftier price tag when it comes to repairs due to the added amenities they offer. Brands like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Lexus, and other high-end names offer sedans and SUV models priced well over $100,000. If your preference leans towards Lamborghini, Jaguar, Porsche, and other such manufacturers, be prepared to spend even more. While standard auto insurance policies cover a large portion of these vehicles’ costs, there are parts of your coverage you may want to increase. Foremost, your policy should reimburse you the vehicle’s value immediately before the accident if totaled, deducting the deductible amount. This principle applies to comprehensive, collision, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. It might also be wise to increase bodily liability as owners of high-end vehicles can often become a target for lawsuits.

Luxury Car Insurance Policies

Certain insurers specialize in providing specialized luxury car insurance policies. This can offer particular benefits if your car is custom-made. Luxury car insurance is not a separate category but a tailor-made policy to meet the exceptional needs of your coverage. Some policies even offer gap insurance and umbrella coverage to protect you against depreciation and possible lawsuits if you’re found guilty in an accident.

If you’re uncertain about your luxury car insurance needs and requirements, E.S.T.I.R. Inc. agents are here to help. Reach out to our Bloomfield, NJ office to schedule a consultation and discover the perfect policy for your luxury vehicle.

Different Types of Commercial Insurance Products You May Not Have Heard Of

Understanding Lesser-Known Insurance Options for Your Business

Operating a business involves facing a myriad of risks. While you might be familiar with standard insurance policies like general liability and property insurance, various lesser-known options can offer valuable protection. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ, we aim to help you understand all your options so you can make knowledgeable decisions.

The Value of Business Interruption Insurance

Imagine a situation where your business had to shut down temporarily due to an unexpected event, like a fire or flood. Business interruption insurance can provide a financial lifeline by covering the income you would lose during the closure. This type of insurance can aid in paying ongoing expenses like rent, utilities, and employee wages.

The Importance of Cyber Liability Insurance

In today’s digitally connected landscape, cyber threats are a significant concern for businesses of all sizes. Cyber liability insurance is designed to protect your business from the financial fallout of cyber incidents such as data breaches and hacking. This coverage can help handle costs related to data recovery, legal fees, customer notification, and even public relations efforts to manage your business’s reputation.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) for Employee-Related Lawsuits

Employee-related lawsuits are becoming increasingly common, making EPLI pivotal to protecting your business against employee claims. EPLI can cover legal defense costs and any settlements or judgments that may arise, providing your business with critical protection in complicated situations.

Get to Know the Full Range of Commercial Insurance Products

Understanding the entire set of commercial insurance products available can help you safeguard your business more effectively. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ, we’re ready to navigate your options and guarantee you the protection you need. Contact us today to learn more about these and other insurance products that can secure your business.

Does New Jersey Law Require That Contractors Purchase Insurance?

Ensuring Adequate Insurance Coverage as a Contractor in Bloomfield, NJ

Working as a contractor in Bloomfield, NJ, can be a lucrative enterprise. However, it is crucial to ensure you meet state licensing and insurance requirements before you start work to avoid potential issues.

New Jersey Contractors Insurance Requirements

According to New Jersey law, contractors must have general liability insurance providing at least $500,000 in coverage per occurrence. If you employ one or more workers, you also need to either purchase workers’ compensation insurance or gain approval for self-insurance. This requirement applies to in-state companies as well as out-of-state contractors taking on jobs in New Jersey.

A commercial auto insurance policy is also necessary for travel to and from job sites. Standard auto insurance policies don’t cover business-related trips or provide coverage if you allow an employee to drive one of your vehicles. A commercial auto insurance policy should have a minimum liability limit of $15,000 per person, $30,000 per accident for bodily injury, and $5,000 for property damage.

Contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. for Options in Contractor’s Insurance Policies

Securing ample insurance coverage is a must if you plan to work as a contractor in Bloomfield, NJ. Whether you’re new to the state, just starting as a contractor, or seeking to update your coverage, E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can help you find a baseline policy that fits your needs and budget. We also offer other forms of contractor insurance for added protection in case of any unfortunate incidences. Contact us today to explore your policy options or to get a quote on the policy of your choice.

Explaining Rental Car Coverage in Auto Insurance Policies

Rental car coverage in auto insurance policies is a crucial feature that offers financial protection and convenience when your vehicle is unavailable due to an accident, theft, or other covered incidents. Understanding how this coverage functions can help you evade unexpected expenses and maintain mobility around Bloomfield, NJ.

What Exactly Is Rental Car Coverage?

Rental car coverage, also known as rental reimbursement coverage, pays for the rental of a vehicle while your car is being repaired following a covered incident. This coverage is separate and optional. It generally covers the daily rental rate up to a specified limit, ensuring you have a temporary replacement vehicle without having to shoulder the full rental cost yourself.

How Does It Function?

When your car is involved in an accident or stolen, and the incident is covered under your comprehensive or collision insurance, rental car coverage comes into effect. Your insurance company will reimburse you for the rental car expenses up to your policy’s daily and total limits. For instance, your policy might cover up to $30 per day with a maximum limit of $900. It’s important to note that rental car coverage only applies when a claim is made on your vehicle, and repairs are required.

Benefits of Rental Car Coverage

The primary benefit of rental car coverage is the convenience it provides. Not having a vehicle can significantly disrupt your daily routine, affecting your ability to commute to work, run errands, or manage other essential activities. Rental car coverage ensures you have a temporary vehicle, reducing the stress and inconvenience of being without your car.

E.S.T.I.R. Inc. Is Here for You

E.S.T.I.R. Inc. is ready to assist when you need insurance information. Our services are available in Bloomfield, NJ, and surrounding areas. Give us a call today.

Why You Need Home Insurance When You Take Out a Mortgage

Owning a home is a dream come true for many people. However, home ownership comes with a slew of responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is obtaining a home insurance plan if you take out a mortgage. We will delve into why that’s necessary. If you’re searching for an insurance agent serving Bloomfield, NJ, and other nearby communities, consider contacting E.S.T.I.R. Inc.

Why Lenders Require Home Insurance

Mortgages are asset-backed loans, which means that an asset is utilized as collateral to secure the loan. In the context of a mortgage, the home purchased with the loan is often used as collateral. Consequently, if homeowners default on their mortgage payments, the bank can seize and sell the home to recoup the money they’re owed.

While the bank doesn’t own the mortgaged home, it has a financial interest. All other factors being equal, the more valuable the property, the lower the bank’s risks. If a house is damaged, perhaps by a storm, its value decreases. This implies that the bank’s risks would be amplified if everything else remains constant. Banks typically mandate that homes bought with a mortgage have home insurance to minimize risks.

In addition, if a home is severely damaged or destroyed and its worth diminishes substantially below the mortgage, the homeowner may cease making payments. This would leave the bank accountable for the mortgage, and when they sell the property, they may not recover the full amount lent. In essence, mortgages and home insurance make lending less risky and thus less expensive for borrowers.

If you need assistance with home insurance policies in Bloomfield, NJ, or other communities, consider contacting E.S.T.I.R. Inc.

Is Your Business Protected?

If you’re a small to mid-sized business, you understand the challenges of unexpected circumstances such as a facility fire or a liability claim from an injured customer present. Such events can have a significant impact on your bottom line. This precarious position is a reality for many companies. However, there’s a silver lining: commercial insurance. This safety net is designed to protect your company in these worst-case scenarios. It’s not about fear but rather about preparation, planning, and the foresight to safeguard what you’ve worked tirelessly to establish. This very premise is why numerous businesses in the Bloomfield, NJ area trust the expert team at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. for all their commercial insurance needs.

Is Your Business Adequately Insured?

Every company contends with a unique set of risks. Successfully protecting your business hinges on accurately identifying these risks. A seasoned and professional agent can provide valuable assistance in this area. So, is your business adequately insured? Do you have inventory, assets, or property that need protection? Does your business need to plan for potential liability claims resulting from your products or services? Commercial insurance can offer the required protection.

Commercial Insurance in Bloomfield

Suppose you run a business in the beautiful Bloomfield, NJ area, and are seeking commercial insurance solutions or shopping for competitive rates. In that case, our professional team of agents at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. is ready to assist you. Protect your business and your hard-earned achievements with the right commercial insurance solutions. Contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss all your commercial insurance needs today.

Insurance Coverage to Protect Your Best Interests as A Contractor

Taking on the contractor role will require you to acquire adequate insurance coverage. Review some contractor’s insurance guidelines. Upgrade your existing business insurance policy once you determine how much insurance coverage you need.


Determine your risk of being held liable for injury or property damage. The type of machinery and tools used to perform contracting duties could influence your risk level. If your business operations require the use of dangerous machinery, tools, chemicals, and other essentials, purchasing more liability insurance can be beneficial.


Your storage setup could influence the lifespan of building materials, equipment, and other items needed to complete contracting duties. Storage units, including garages and sheds, will offer the most protection. Portable storage setups will prevent materials from being exposed to the elements.

Assessing the type of storage space you have available will help you decide whether to invest in additional storage units.

Each storage unit you decide to use should be equipped with locks, cameras, and other accessories to protect your contracting essentials from damage and theft.

If you ever decide to expand your business, you should reevaluate your storage plans. A business expansion may require modifications to your existing storage plans.


Trust a licensed insurance agent to assist with your contractor insurance upgrades. An agent serving the Bloomfield, NJ, region will review your business plan. After reviewing your business plan, the agent who represents E.S.T.I.R. Inc. will describe some contractor insurance products you can add to your current insurance policy.