Contractors Insurance Protects You and Your Client when It Happens

No matter if you are a contractor that mostly works on residential repairs in the Newark, NJ area or one that installs pipes for high-rise buildings, you need to carry the right insurance from E.S.T.I.R. Inc. for every single job. Skipping this simple step can open your business up to huge liability payments and turn aside potential employees from a ragged reputation.

When the Client Trips on the Job Site

Even if you have a closed job site, at some point the client will want to visit and check on the progress. All it takes to take a huge chunk out of your bank account is a simple misstep off scaffolding, trip over a wire, or walking under the trash chute.  You need to make sure your contractors’ liability insurance is up to snuff in covering the worst possible scenario.

When Your Sub Snips the Wrong Wire

The stakes are high when you are building a new multi-use complex, especially in a busy urban neighborhood. You will have multiple sub-contractors on site at any one time, and somebody is going to make a  mistake. That workman’s compensation coverage added to your liability coverage will make sure that inconveniences and injuries are addressed quickly and appropriately and keep the job on schedule.

When Your Van is in an Accident

Don’t forget that your fleet of vans and trucks will need commercial coverage. In worksites that haven’t worked out a proper road system yet, there is a greater chance of hitting a giant pothole, slamming into a new curb, or simply bumping into another construction vehicle. E.S.T.I.R. Inc. is here to help you sort through the mire of potential risks and challenges you face in the Newark, NJ area and provide the contractors’ insurance you really do need.