How Much Auto Insurance Coverage Do I Need?

If you have faithfully been renewing your auto insurance premium — congratulations! However, at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ, we have seen many clients walk away with uncovered expenses following an auto accident because they carry inadequate coverage. Given these ugly incidences, it’s time to step back and ask: how much auto insurance do I need? Establishing the right amount of auto insurance you need helps you plan before it’s too late. 

Here is a guide to help you establish the amount of auto insurance you need in New Jersey.

One that satisfies your state requirements

Most states require motorists to include certain coverages in their auto insurance. For instance, New Jersey requires all motorists to carry liability insurance and personal injury protection (PIP) coverage in their car insurance. For any motorist, this becomes the basis of determining the amount of auto insurance you need.

As a rule of thumb, meeting your state-required minimums is not negotiable. This compliance helps you avert penalties and fines for not carrying valid auto insurance. 

How much collision and comprehensive coverage do I need?

These coverages pay for repairs or replacement of your car when it’s physically damaged. But how much do you need? You need coverage that takes care of your damages after factoring in your deductibles.

How much liability insurance should I buy?

While meeting the state requirements is superb, you need to increase your liability coverage for optimal protection. The amount of liability insurance to buy is one that can comfortably cover your lawsuits. For instance, a 250/500/100 coverage would be better than the 15/30/5 required in New Jersey. However, if you need more coverage, umbrella insurance would be perfect for you.

How much Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage do I need?

Well, it depends on whether you have a health insurance plan. While in some states, it’s optional, PIP is mandatory in New Jersey. You can stick to the state-required minimum if you have a good health insurance plan. But considering PIP is a good thing since it offers additional perks compared to health insurance. For instance, it covers partial loss of wages. 

Still unsure of how much auto insurance you need in Bloomfield, NJ? Please contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. for more information.